Sketchnoting the Concept of Flow

I like to take stuff and try to express it in as simple language as possible. That’s my way of checking my own understanding of a concept. One concept that comes up often when we talk about lean software development, kanban and agile is that of “flow”. A couple of days ago, I decided to process that a bit.

One technique I use to process stuff is to sketchnote in Brushes on the iPad. Here’s the video output from my sketchnoting a basic explanation of the concept of flow in development.

What techniques do you employ to process stuff you want to learn well?

Published by Tobias Fors

I'm a software management consultant. I help other people succeed with software development. In my work, I help teams and organizations be more effective and ship software.

2 replies on “Sketchnoting the Concept of Flow”

  1. Snyggt!

    Har du använt nån penna för att göra det på din padda? Om så, vilken?

    Det är ju ett grymt sätt att förmedla idéer/tankar på. Som ett alternativ/komplement till vanlig text.

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