Visuell styrning med kanban (1)

De senaste åren har jag jobbat med att hjälpa team och organisationer att förstå och använda Scrum. Jag har jobbat en hel del med produktutvecklande företag, och det är i utvecklingsarbete Scrum verkligen kommer till sin fulla rätt. Samtidigt består arbetet med att lansera mjukvaruprodukter av så mycket mer än bara själva utvecklingen. Drift, support […]

DDDSample 1.1.0 released

My brilliant colleagues at Citerus, Patrik and Peter among them, have worked with Eric Evans to create a sample application that showcases DDD in action. They have just released version 1.1.0.

Slides from Öresund Agile 2008

To try out, I decided to upload my presentation slides from last year’s Öresund Agile conference, a smaller conference organized by Softhouse in Malmö. One Key Person Tobias Fors At Öresund Agile 2008 View more presentations from tobias.fors. (tags: agile scrum)

Next Scrum class: May 6-7, 2009

My next public Certified Scrum Master class is planned for May 6-7. The CSM workshops are focused on understanding why Scrum works the way it does, and to let you learn through exercises and discussions – a great source of learning indeed! If your organization wants to get the benefits of agile software development with […]

Kent Beck on Accountability and Trust

The first time I heard Kent Beck’s voice for real was in a podcast interview. I remember that he spoke with passion about concepts that were, as I listened, obviously connected with the practices of XP: trust and accountability. Still, I hadn’t made the connection that clearly up until then, so that interview stood out […]