Thank you, Jerry Weinberg

Jerry, we’ve only known each other for a couple of years, but look at all the things you’ve managed to help me with already. You’ve helped me: See that consulting fits for me, because trying to understand the world and improve it is what makes me tick Become a better consultant, by using more of […]

Roll Around in a Cyber Cart

I just came across a completely wonderful comment by Lisa Crispin, on Johanna Rothman’s blog. I’ve just read it, and already I love it. I can’t put my finger on why, but for some reason it makes me happy. It probably has to do with my fascination for the concept we used to call cyberspace […]

A Visible Pile of Favorite Fieldstones

I’m a programmer at heart, even though I no longer program professionally. Why? Because I love to program. It gives me satisfaction. So, from time to time, I have to think up little hobby projects that are simple enough for me to handle, but engaging enough to still my lust for coding for a few […]

Theory of Software Development

Ivar Jacobsson rails at the prevalance of practices but, at least in this article, doesn’t even come close to touching on any relevant theories. Instead, it seems to me that he promotes even more practices. I’m sure things will clear up for me once I get my hands on his latest toolbox. Unless, of course, I have to pay a lot of cash to get it, in which case I probably won’t get my hands on it.

Learn about congruence and blaming

Tomorrow is the last day of the Problem-Solving Leadership that is being held this week outside of Uppsala. Participants in the workshop will learn many things through their interactions with each other, themselves and the hosts – Jerry Weinberg, Esther Derby, and Johanna Rothman. It’s a fabulous five and a half day workshop which I […]

MVKJG 5: Håll vad du lovar

Att lova något är otäckt. Det kan visa sig att man inte kan stå vid sitt löfte. Det händer ju även den bäste, och kan leda till en obekväm situation. För mig kan rädslan för detta obekväma ibland leda till att jag anammar följande strategi: den som aldrig lovar något behöver heller aldrig bryta ett […]

MVKJG 4: Gör en prioriterad lista

Att ha “för mycket att göra” är något som belönas i många sammanhang. Det ser helt enkelt rätt snyggt ut att ha mycket att göra, och en kort stund kan det kännas ganska bra också. Tyvärr är “för mycket att göra” även ett utmärkt sätt att skjuta produktiviten i sank både för sig själv och […]